So I have recently decided to add a new mantra to my never ending list of inspirational statements. But lately my statements have been getting darker and darker. It went from "Never look back unless it makes you smile" to "All good things come to an end". Then it was "The Darker The Soul, The Better The Sex" and now its just plain "Shut Up and Die!!!!"
Have you ever met a person that you just wanted to kill on sight? Someone whose presence disturbed you so much, that for a split second you thought to yourself "Life in prison can't be that difficult"?
Well I just met someone on the street today on my way home from the store who just surpassed every level of patience I have and pushed every one of my buttons.
His name was Jason and he will now be referred to as "that prick"!!!
I met him via some friends of mine at work and as it turns out, that prick takes residence on my street. Now admittedly I wasn't paying any attention at all (jamming to Escape The Fate on my ipod) when I literally ran into him on the street. "Oh I am so sorry" I say "Oh hey I know you... you're Terrys brother!!". With that, the prick takes a long look at me up and down and instantly says "I'm not interested". Confuzzled I reply "Interested in what???" He stared at me angrily and said "What ever it is you're selling". Obviously perplexed I asked him what he meant. This he tells me verbatim... "You're cute and all but I don't fuck black chicks and I certainly don't pay for sex!!" Appalled and outraged, I said "EXCUSE ME??? DID I JUST FUCKING HEAR YOU RIGHT??? Did Terry tell you I was a prostitute?!?!"
Not only did he just insult my ENTIRE race, but that prick just called me a fucking whore!!! "No he didn't" was his reply "but you look like the type." I assumed he was referring to the way I was dressed and looked down at my very well coordinated outfit and laughed. I was wearing a very tiny pink ruffled skirt with long black leggings underneath, with black flipflops and a grey and pink top. "Well in my opinion I am the best dressed and classiest whore that I've ever met (and I've met a few) and you Sir, must have the most jaded and ignorant view of the fucking world!! Go somewhere, slit your fucking wrists, Shut up, and DIE!!!"
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