Last night around 12:30am I got a phone call from my best friend of many years. Bee had some burning questions about me and my fiancées relationship. Poe and I have an amazing open relationship where we are both free to have other intimate and meaningful relationships other than our own. we have rules and regulations that both must obied by at all times. Rules set down and discussed way before we even decided to officially take the open relationship route.
Well Bee called me crying her eyes out because she recently suggested to her boifriend of several yrs to agree to an open relationship. He accepted and they both promptly went about finding their second mate. The problem arose when she started feeling the same way about the new guy as she did her boifriend. she began seeing him everyday and sometimes even invited him over her place to share her bed.
Little did she know however, her boifriend started doing the same thing. He would share his bed with the new woman and seeing as how Bee spent most of her time out with boi toy #2, he used the time that he would've spent with Bee, with this other woman. I said ok thats fine... I have no place to comment on the dynamic of someone elses relationship. If it works for them, then why should anyone else care right?!?!? Well she continued to tell me of how great of guys they both are and how wonderful they were in bed and she suddenly stopped.
I could tell that she took the phone away from her ear and started sobbing. She continued to tell me about how everything was going fine until one day on her birthday (which has just passed recently) she called and asked to see him and spend time with him on her special day, and he declined saying that he had "other plans". "Other Plans" meant that he was knee deep in some other pussy and sharing an 8 ball of coke. Now Bee was bruised by this but not completely damaged. But then came the real drama.
Bee's boifriend had no problems telling anyone who would listen that he was in an open relationship. He told everyone male, or female. So later on that day, Bee went to the salon to get her hair and nails redone. A ritual she followed through with every 2 weeks. at the salon she began talking with her stylist about everything that was new and wonderful in her relationships (despite the recent burn) and her plans for the rest of her B-Day. Her stylist laughed and jeered along with Bee and began making jokes of her own. Now, usually this is fine. but today she let slip some information that the stylist had no idea was supposed to be secret. Apparently not only had her boifriend been seeing this one other woman, but he also started seeing men!!!! Mortified, Bee asked the stylist how she knew. "Cuz the guy he's seeing is my brother! They've been hanging out for a while now..." With that info Bee was reeling!!! She had no problem with bisexuality (seeing as how Bee was Bi herself!!) she just wondered why he lied about it!! And if he lied about that, what else was he lying about?!?!
So now all caught up with the situation, she asked me how Poe and I make it work when both of us are Bi and we have an open relationship. The answer was actually pretty simple... "The reason we work so well is cuz we have been honest with each other from the beginning!" I could practically hear the crickets on the other end of the line. "We had rules from the beginning you see." I continued. "First, honesty is always the best policy and anyone who thinks different, isn't ready for an open relationship. The 2 of you should have sat down and discussed what you would need out of you're main partner and what you're partner would need out of you to make things work. Both of you each need specific promises out of one another to be able to deal with the jealousy, and drama. Second and most important is trust. If you cant trust the one you're with then an open relationship is doomed from the start!!
What it all breaks down to is OPEN RELATIONSHIPS ARE NOT FOR EVERYONE!!! Not every couple is mentally prepared to have an open relationship. If its not for you then it just won't work.
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