So after work last night, I was invited out to dinner with Penn. We went to a little greasy spoon by her apartment that actually sold pretty decent food. We sat for a couple hours and talked about everything under the sun while we ate. She told me how proud of herself she was for coming out on day 5 of her withdrawal process even though she was still having pain. "I needed to come out into the world again" she said to me. "Heroin takes away your ability to socialize and function properly in society". I looked at her in awe and wondered what event took place that made her realize she had hit rock bottom. So I asked her not expecting a reply, but surprisingly, I received one anyway.
"I wasn't getting high." she told me honestly. "I would go through bags a day and still not get high. I was spending up to $400 a day chasing a buzz." Knowing all to well what that was like, I cupped her hand, looked into her eyes, and told her that I wasn't gonna let this shit kill her. I cared for her way too much to let a substance take her away. I felt closer to her than ever in that moment. I felt so much love from her in response that the passion that radiated off the both of us, from then on, could not be contained. We ended dinner early and went back to her place where we shared a beautiful rest of the evening. I left her apartment with a huge smile on my face and went back home to my loving fiancée and capped off our night with a glass of merlot and some chocolate covered strawberries (wink, wink).
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