So.... Heroin sucks and its extremly hard to kick. In my last post I talked to you about a friend of mine who we are trying to help with her habit. She is still doing well and says she never wants to "touch the stuff again". I'm so proud of her in all her progress and commend her for trying to quit. Its hard ladies and gentleman and right now she's stuck at her house completely debilitated from the dope sickness. She called me this morn at about 11am telling me how she hates herself for being in this position and how low her self-esteem has gotten. Penn is such a beautiful woman and it kills me to see her in such pain. So the course of action I took was to tell her to meet me at work. I work at Bath&Bodyworks where the sales people are paid to be the happiest and most energetic people on the planet. You come into B&B and our job as sales associates is to make you feel and be beautiful. We have outstanding customer service and are paid to make your day.
So she comes in and I show her all the new products we have to offer her and demo them all to show her all the great things that not only make you feel good, but are created to up your self-esteem. Everyone there (especially me) was so helpful and kind and we all genuinely want every customer to leave with a smile on their face.
She told me as she was leaving that this visit really helped her find some center and took her mind off her struggle even if it was just for a half an hour.
I was so pleased with myself in the fact that my efforts (no matter how small) were truly appreciated and she was truly able to leave the store feeling great about herself!!!
I Love You Penn And I Wish You The Best
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