The problem that i have with the act of sex is the potential need for intimacy during or directly after. Everyone has cum and (hopefully) has had a good time, then you inevitably look into you're mates eye's and decide if you ever want to see that person again! If the answer is "no" then thats easy... you get up, wash you're ass, and continue with you're day. but if the answer is "yes" how do you propose a second passionate tryst??? Could you live with yourself if you never asked him out again??? Does he or she even *want* to see you again?? Were you good in bed?!?!?! (What am I saying... Of Course you were good in bed!!) All these questions and more come to mind so I was wondering... how do you deal with those awkward after sex moments???
I say.... Stare. Eventually one of two things will happen either they will get up because they are tired of you staring ((which answers your question)) OR they will ask why your staring which may not answer your question but it'll @ least give you an open door to said question asking.